Powerlevel10k with Warp terminal

Tim Chang
4 min readJan 5, 2024


I use couple terminals in Mac OS at same time to behonest. iTerm2, Hyper and Warp. They are all prons and cons, but I’m currently using Warp as my primary terminal.

The default shell in Warp is zsh. Warp also provides default prompts and you don’t need to install any extenstion, but less options you can use and customize. If you are familiar with terminal and you must hear Powerlevel10k, which is a plug-in you can integrate into shell and let your prompts more beautiful. But why we need this? It does not only make up your shell, but also provide useful information in prompts.

Default prompts options from Warp

For example, you can see which gitbranch you are working on, how many files you edited (added), how many commits between local and remote branches, NodeJS version…etc. So, let get starting this article and see how to integrate Powerlevel10k into Warp.

Install Nerd Fonts

What is Nerd Fonts? The default font in your terminal or shell couldn’t support symbols. And Powerlevel10k contains a lot of symbols and you will see the symbols show incorrectly if you don’t have any Nerd Fonts. You can choose any Nerd Fonts and set them as default font for your Warp:

Change the default font in Warp Settings

Install Warp

First, you need to install Warp first from the ofiicial site. Or install it by running the command via HomeBrew below:

brew install --cask warp

Once Warp is installed, launch Warp to see if it can be ran correctly.

First view of Warp terminal

Install Powerlevel10k

The most shell used to Powerlevel10k is “zsh”, but we don’t need to change it because the default shell of Warp is “zsh”.

You can go to Powerlevel10k website or run the command below in Warp terminal to install it:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ~/powerlevel10k
echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>~/.zshrc

Note: this command is used to “zsh” shell. Please reference the instructions if you would like to integreate to different shell.

Once the plug-in is cloned without error, we can restart “zsh” by this command:

exec zsh

And you should see the Powerlevel10k configuration wizard in your shell:

Powerlevel10k config wizard when running zsh first time

You should follow the wizard and instructions to set your prompts. Don’t worry, you can change them if you choose the wrong one. I list the options I picked and show the final result in below:

If you see some symbols present incorrectly, you should verify if you have installed any Nerd Font and set one of Nerd Font as your default font, for example I choose MesloLGS Nerd Font Mono as my default font in Warp.

Prompt Style: Rainbow

Character Set: Unicode

Show current time: 12-hour

Prompt Separators: Angled

Prompt Heads: Blurred

Prompt Tails: Flat

Prompt Height: One line

Prompt Spacing: Sparse

Icons: Many icons

Prompt Flow: Concise

Enable Transient Prompt: Yes

Instant Prompt Mode: Verbose (recommanded)

The result by the configuration

And that’s it. You can clone any repository from github or yours to see how it tooks like with other information in prompts:

Navigate to the folder of git repository in master branch

If you want to change your mind, you can run the command to modify your configuration:

p10k configure


It also supports in Windows environment if you use PowerShell and Windows Terminal as your shell. The installation steps are very similar and easy.

I love the combination of Warp and Powerlevel10k, because you don’t need to install other shell like “Oh-my-zsh” and change the setting as your default shell. Only few comamnds and looks perfect. Enjoy your new terminal.



Tim Chang

A software engineer at Microsoft. I love to enjoy programming, playing games, listening to music, taking photos and making great latte.